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Command Line Interface

Pixelorama offers a Command Line Interface (CLI), allowing you to use some of its features, such as project exporting, from the command line. The CLI can be used to automate tasks easily. It can only be used on desktop platforms, such as Windows, Linux and macOS.


For the full list of the system options, you can refer to Godot's documentation. Only the options that have the green checkbox icon in their description can be used in Pixelorama.

Pixelorama.x86_64 [SYSTEM OPTIONS] -- [USER OPTIONS] [FILES]...

Use -h in place of [SYSTEM OPTIONS] to see [SYSTEM OPTIONS].
Or use -h in place of [USER OPTIONS] to see [USER OPTIONS].

Some useful [SYSTEM OPTIONS] are:
--headless Run in headless mode.
--quit Close pixelorama after current command.


(The terms in [ ] reflect the valid type for corresponding argument).

--version, --pixelorama-version Prints current Pixelorama version
--size Prints size of the given project
--framecount Prints total frames in the current project
--export, -e Indicates given project should be exported
--spritesheet, -s Indicates given project should be exported as spritesheet
--output, -o [path] Name of output file (with extension)
--scale [integer] Scales up the export image by a number
--frames, -f [integer-integer] Used to specify frame range
--direction, -d [0, 1, 2] Specifies direction
--json Export the JSON data of the project
--split-layers Each layer exports separately
--help, -h, -? Displays this help page