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code version

The examples below assume you are developing for the latest Pixelorama release

Below are some example codes for different basic types of extensions. To use them, create an extension and paste your desired code from here to;

Bare Minimum

The most basic code.

extends Node

# This script acts as a setup for the extension
func _enter_tree() -> void:

func _exit_tree() -> void: # Extension is being uninstalled or disabled
# remember to remove things that you added using this extension

Add new Tab

Adds a simple Panel as a tab, which will be placed at the same place as the Tools tab by default.

extends Node

@onready var extension_api: Node # Variable for keeping reference to the Api

# some references to nodes that will be created later
var panel

# This script acts as a setup for the extension
func _enter_tree() -> void:
extension_api = get_node_or_null("/root/ExtensionsApi") # Accessing the Api

# add a test panel as a tab (this is an example) the tab is located at the same
# place as the (Tools tab) by default
panel = = "This is a new panel" # This is optional

func _exit_tree() -> void: # Extension is being uninstalled or disabled
# remember to remove things that you added using this extension

Add Menu Item

Adds a menu item in Help menu, which displays a message when clicked on it.

extends Node

@onready var extension_api: Node # Variable for keeping reference to the Api

var item_id: int

# This script acts as a setup for the extension
func _enter_tree() -> void:
extension_api = get_node_or_null("/root/ExtensionsApi") # Accessing the Api
var type =

item_id =, "Show Message", self)
# the 3rd argument (in this case "self") will try to call "menu_item_clicked"
# (if it is present)

func menu_item_clicked():
# Do some stuff
extension_api.dialog.show_error("You Tickled Me :)")

func _exit_tree() -> void: # Extension is being uninstalled or disabled
# remember to remove things that you added using this extension, item_id)

Add a Theme

Adds a theme to pixelorama Preferences > Interface > Themes (you need to have a theme resource beforehand and that theme resource must derive from one of the main pixelorama themes)

extends Node

@onready var extension_api: Node # Variable for keeping reference to the Api

var theme = load("res://path_to_some_theme.tres") # Replace this with your theme resource
# your theme resource must be a derivative of themes from
# or else a CRASH might occur

# if a theme from the extension was set in preferences, then it will be automatically be
# set when pixelorama is launched again
func _enter_tree() -> void:
extension_api = get_node_or_null("/root/ExtensionsApi") # Accessing the Api
if theme:
extension_api.theme.add_theme(theme) # Adds the theme to preferences

func _exit_tree() -> void: # Extension is being uninstalled or disabled
if theme:
extension_api.theme.remove_theme(theme) # Adds the theme to preferences

Change Font

Sometimes you only need a different font instead of a different theme. This is much easier to achieve than adding themes.(you need to have a .ttf font resource beforehand)

extends Node
# used If your goal is to only use a different font

@onready var extension_api: Node # Variable for keeping reference to the Api

var font_res = load("res://path_to_some_font.ttf") # Replace this with your font resource
var old_font

# This script acts as a setup for the extension
func _enter_tree() -> void:
extension_api = get_node_or_null("/root/ExtensionsApi") # Accessing the Api
if font_res:
old_font = extension_api.general.get_global().control.theme.default_font.font_data
#set the new font
extension_api.general.get_global().control.theme.default_font.font_data = font_res

func _exit_tree() -> void:
if font_res and old_font:
#set the default font back again
extension_api.general.get_global().control.theme.default_font.font_data = old_font

Project Manipulation

Wish to automate some project behaviour? this will demonstrate some of the basic functions provided by the project api. This example adds a menu button to the edit menu and on clicking it some project manipulations (instructed in menu_item_clicked()) will get carried out.

extends Node

# I will show you some common stuff to manipulate projects
# (I will make use of the menu api as well)

# To know the available methods of (timeline) see:

# NOTE: some more advanced methods can be accessed from timeline node (un-comment line below to get them)
#@onready var timeline = ExtensionsApi.general.get_global().animation_timeline

@onready var extension_api: Node # Variable for keeping reference to the Api

var item_id: int
var type: int

func _enter_tree() -> void:
extension_api = get_node_or_null("/root/ExtensionsApi") # Accessing the Api
type =
item_id =, "Click Me 4 times", self)

func _exit_tree() -> void: # Extension is being uninstalled or disabled
# remember to remove things that you added using this extension, item_id)

################## Test Project methods whenever we click the menu button ############
var thing_to_do := 0
var new_project
var dest_img: Image
func menu_item_clicked():
# Do some stuff
if thing_to_do == 0:
# get an image (For testing) from the current cel
dest_img = extension_api.project.get_current_cel().get_image()
# also make a new project
var frames := Array([], TYPE_OBJECT, &"RefCounted", load("res://src/Classes/"))
new_project = extension_api.project.new_project(frames, "Test", Vector2(64, 64))
if thing_to_do == 1:
# To change something or get something in a project we must make it our "current_project" first
if thing_to_do == 2:
# Add 3 frames (the new_project will now have 4 total frames)
for i in range(3):
if thing_to_do == 3:
# Add a PixelLayer
extension_api.project.add_new_layer(0, "I Love Pixelorama")
if thing_to_do == 4:
# Now change content at {frame 3, layer 1} of "new_project"
extension_api.project.set_pixelcel_image(dest_img, 2, 0) # {frame 3, layer 1}
thing_to_do += 1

Custom Exporter

Adds a basic custom exporter that will export only odd frames.

extends Node

@onready var extension_api: Node # Variable for keeping reference to the Api

var id: int

func _enter_tree() -> void:
extension_api = get_node_or_null("/root/ExtensionsApi") # Accessing the Api

var exporter_info := {"extension": ".png", "description": "Only Alternate Frames"}
id = extension_api.exports.add_export_option(
exporter_info, self, extension_api.exports.ExportTab.IMAGE, false
) # 2nd argument (in this case "self") must have "override_export()" in it's script

func _exit_tree() -> void:
# remember to remove things that you added using this extension

func override_export(details: Dictionary) -> bool:
# in this function you take control of image processing and saving from pixelorama
# return true for SUCCESS, false for FAILURE

# the (details) include everything you could possibly need for exporting
# keys of (details) are:
# "processed_images", "durations", "export_dialog", "export_paths", "project"
for i in range(0, details["processed_images"].size(), 2):
var image: Image = details["processed_images"][i]
var error = image.save_png(details["export_paths"][i])
if error != OK:
return false
return true